Vegetarian Exchange Student from Lebanon Seeks Host Family

Pacific Intercultural Exchange (PIE), a nonprofit agency, is searching for a volunteer host family for an international student who is vegetarian. The student is from Lebanon and is an exceptional US State Department sponsored scholarship student who is vegetarian. She is active in sports such as basketball, tennis, swimming, and dancing. She speaks English, has medical insurance and her own spending money.

A volunteer host family provides a room (which may be shared), meals, and a caring environment for their student. Students arrive in mid August and stay through June while attending the local public high school where the host family resides. Students are encouraged to integrate themselves into their host family by doing chores, participating in family activities and attending the public high school. For more information about the program or to become a host family, please contact Mary Armstrong at 952-236-0745/ website: www.pieusa.org / email: maryarmstrong@pieusa.org

Pacific Intercultural Exchange (PIE) is a non profit agency, and it is fully accredited by CSIET and abides by US State Department guidelines. Students are screened based on English abilities and academics and are eligible to participate in high school extra curricular activities such as athletics, drama clubs, etc.

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