10 Year Anniversary of the Species List Forest

Saturday, June 18 · 2:00pm – 5:00pm
At Crafts’ historic farm, Conway, MA USA.
Please email rhstafursky@yahoo.com if you plan to attend.

Picnic with vegan food provided.

Return the forest. Return of the natural landscape.

This year we celebrate ten years of the forest. Dick Stafursky, a biologist, though unemployed at the time, gave away all his inheritance. There are no trails, nor are there plans to design any. Also, there are no WSL buildings near or on the site. It is open to the public for walking only. The DROP plan is used to return these acres to the natural landscape in perpetuity. Species List Forest, Conway, Massachusetts, USA Contact: Richard Stafursky 802-258-7845 World Species List – Natural Features Registry Institute, 155 Belmont Ave., Brattleboro, VT USA, (802) 257-9158, a 501(c)(3), conservation, charitable organization, http://wslfconwaymausa.blogspot.com/, EIN 51-0381202.

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