Categories: Restaurants

Vegan Restaurants Around the U.S.

These vegan restaurants were recently added to our online restaurant guide. To find restaurants in your area, visit: http://www.vrg.org/restaurant/index.php

Cornbread Café

1290 W. 7th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 505-9175

Vegan/café. Cornbread Café offers all sorts of vegan comfort food. Come and enjoy dishes like Mac-Un-Cheese or “Phish” Sticks. Open Tuesday through Saturday for lunch and dinner. Closed Sunday and Monday. Full service, take-out, catering, VISA/MC/DISC, $.

Happy Veggie

330 W. Felicita Ave., Ste. C7-9, Escondido, CA 92025
(760) 738-1100

Vegan/Vietnamese. Happy Veggie offers Vietnamese cuisine with some Thai and Chinese dishes. Enjoy their all-vegan menu and terrific prices. The restaurant is located in north/inland San Diego county. Happy Veggie is closed on weekdays between lunch and dinner, so please call ahead for hours. Open Monday through Saturday for lunch and dinner. Closed Sunday. Full service, take-out, VISA/MC, $-$$.


8407 Broadway St., Ste. 1, San Antonio, TX 78209
(210) 826-4223

Vegan/Tex-Mex/American. Vegeria Vegan Restaurant offers an all-vegan menu of Tex-Mex and American cuisine. Inspired by the owners’ grandmother, Vegeria features “Rosalie’s Daily Special” in honor of this special lady. Vegeria is located In the Viva Book Complex. Open Monday through Friday for lunch. Open Saturday for brunch. Closed Sunday. Full service, take-out, delivery, catering, VISA/MC/AMEX/DISC, $.

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