The Vegetarian Resource Group’s Guide to Leather Alternatives

In addition to not eating animal products, vegans do not wear animal products including leather. The Vegetarian Resource Group has an extensive guide to businesses that sell shoes, wallets, handbags, belts, jackets, and more that are made with alternatives to leather. The guide includes companies in the USA and other countries.

Are you looking for vegan work boots, ballet shoes, guitar or camera straps, biking gloves, cowboy boots, motorcycle gear, musical instrument cases, tool belts, iPhone cases, lap top and iPad carrying bags, dance shoes, watchbands, snowboarding boots, rock climbing shoes, and other items? If so, the entire guide can be found here: http://www.vrg.org/nutshell/leather.php

To support the research for this guide, please donate here: http://www.vrg.org/donate

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