Are You Looking for Some Quick and Easy Fresh Pepper Dish Ideas?

In the latest issue of Vegetarian Journal, Chef Nancy Berkoff shares ideas on ways to prepare vegan dishes using fresh peppers. Nancy states, “There are over 200 cultivated varieties of fresh and dried hot peppers. If you select dried peppers, you’ll want to remember that dried hot peppers are at least 10 times more potent than fresh.” Nancy also mentions, “Bell peppers: Red are sweetest, yellow the most mild, and green the strongest flavor (for a bell pepper). Bell peppers are very versatile, as they work well raw or cooked. Create a bell pepper rainbow with chopped green, red, yellow, orange, or purple peppers. Use them as in ingredient or garnish for tossed, pasta, rice, macaroni, and quinoa cold salads, or put in soups, chili, stews, sandwich fillings, and stir-fry dishes. Instead of a three-bean salad, try a three-pepper salad or use a fresh, seeded bell pepper as an edible bowl for your favorite salads (cold) or your favorite fillings (hot).”

The complete article can be found here: http://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2016issue3/2016_issue3_cooking_tips.php

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