Thank you to Heather Francis, Emily Klesitz, Rebecca Lordon, and Tina Urban, who volunteered at The Vegetarian Resource Group booth at New Jersey VegFest. Heather reported: A lot of the people who stopped by were individuals who were transitioning and needed advice. Other individuals were teachers who wanted resources/were looking for resources. The Vegetarian Resource Group My Vegan Plate handout was the most popular and many people seemed to enjoy it. A lot of people loved that we had materials available. One guy in particular liked us because we weren’t a business trying to make a profit, rather handing out free resources to those who wanted information. There were questions about the Vegan Pregnancy book by our Nutrition Advisor Reed Mangels, RD.

If you would like to volunteer at VRG booths, email vrg@vrg.org.

To support VRG outreach, join at http://www.vrg.org/member/cabdacae.php

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