Thank Pangea for all they have done for the vegan movement over decades.
Go to http://www.veganstore.com/notice

Pangea wrote:
February 23, 2018
To all our supporters over the years,

We are sad to announce that after 23 years in business, Pangea Vegan Products will be closing down over the next several weeks.

When we first opened our doors in January 1995, vegan products were very hard to come by, and there were no other businesses that offered a wide range of already “vetted” cruelty-free products all in one place. Our driving goal was to make the cruelty-free lifestyle more accessible and easier to maintain, in hopes of encouraging more people to adopt and stick with veganism. Over the years, we have been very gratified to hear from numerous customers that Pangea helped them to start or maintain their vegan/cruelty-free lifestyle, in addition to showing others that veganism is a viable way of life. We would like to believe that, in our small way, Pangea played a part in helping veganism spread. We are very grateful to all our loyal customers who helped support our mission over the years and who contributed to the growth of veganism.

Vegan products can now be found almost everywhere in this country. Competing with huge discount retailers that can afford to buy in enormous bulk quantities is, in our experience, not feasible long term for a business of just a few people. That said, we could never be upset by the mass proliferation of vegan and cruelty-free goods throughout mainstream markets. Conversely, it is the ultimate fulfillment of our goal to be able to say that a small vegan products retailer like Pangea has become, in many ways, obsolete.

Many of you have been supporters and patrons of Pangea for many years — some even from the very beginning. Please accept our sincere gratitude for all of your support. Obviously there is still much to be done to continue the advance of veganism and animal rights worldwide, but we believe we should all be encouraged by the progress that has been made over the past couple of decades. We wish you all the best and vow never to stop working toward a kinder world.

For the animals,
-Shari, Phil, Quinn, and all the Pangea Staff over the years

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