Vegan Creole Cuisine

A previous issue of Vegetarian Journal ran an article called “From Veal to Vegan, Creole Style” by Meryl Austen Cryer. The vegan recipes offered in this article are based on dishes that were served by her family in New Orleans, Louisiana. Enjoy Southern veganized Creole dishes including Paw-Paw’s Smothered Turnip Roots (or Hash Browns); Granny Therese’s Butter Beans; Chuck and Jo’s Gumbo; Jeff and Lydia’s Gazpacho; Maw-Maw’s Tropical Carrot Salad; Mel’s Fruit and Nut Rice; Aunt Carm’s Greens in Peanut Sauce; Uncle Curt’s Creole Potato Salad; Keryl’s Pralines; and Uncle Errol’s Lemonade Punch. See: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2010issue3/2010_issue3_creole.php

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