Josie is a winner of The Vegetarian Resource Group Video Contest. Josie stated:

I think it’s safe to say that I’m more than just interested in vegetarianism/veganism. I think being vegan is the purest and the most honest thing you can experience in this world. It’s something I hope for everyone, and I wish people weren’t so stubborn, so they could be open to the idea of veganism. I don’t have that narcissistic way of thinking that the rest of the human race has; I know that human beings are the most intelligent species because of that amazing gap from animals to humans called ‘language’, but I know that animals weren’t ‘created’ -if you believe in God- or meant for man to use selfishly. I think that animals should be living comfortably right next to humans, if not as their equals, as their friends. Animals should be respected as souls not much different than ours. Veganism makes me feel more connected to the Earth, and takes the guilt off of my chest because I can honestly say that I am cruelty free. ​

See videos at: http://www.vrg.org/veg_videos.php#rapacz

The deadline for our $5,000 scholarship contest for high school seniors is February 20, 2015. For more information go to: http://www.vrg.org/student/scholar.htm.

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