A special discount for VRG followers from May Wah

Fire up the grill, it’s BBQ season and the vegan chicken legs have arrived! As we approach our 22nd anniversary, May Wah vegan chicken legs continue to conquer the vegan barbecues during this grilling season. Save 10% off your $50 purchase today! Promo code JULY42017, ends July 7th.

May Wah is most popular source for delicious meat alternatives including our Vegan Sweet and Sour Citrus Spare Ribs, Ginger Chicken, Spicy Gong Bao Chicken, and our ever-popular Delicious Chicken Legs. Additionally, our products were recently elegantly presented to each guest at PETA’s Animals’ Party on Capitol Hill.

Our products are convenient, delicious, and most important, we can ship anywhere in the USA. Purchase today and show off your vegan grilling skills! Visit http://www.maywahnyc.com/

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