Scientific Updates in Vegetarian Journal

Each issue of Vegetarian Journal, Reed Mangels, PhD, RD reviews scientific literature related to veggie diets. Topics in the latest issue include:

VRG’s Simply Vegan Used in Study that Examined Use of Vegan Diets in Coronary Artery Disease

A recent study examined whether or not a vegan diet could help reduce chronic inflammation in people with coronary artery disease… Study participants all had partial blockage of one or more major blood vessels; a majority had elevated cholesterol and blood pressure. Almost all were being treated with medications. They were divided into two groups. Groups were instructed to follow either an American Heart Association-recommended (AHA) diet (less than 5-ounces of animal protein per day, fish more than twice a week, only lowfat or non-fat dairy products) or a vegan diet for eight weeks. One of the tools that was provided to subjects on the vegan diet was Simply Vegan, by VRG’s Debra Wasserman. The AHA group received a copy of an AHA cookbook and other materials. At the end of the study, the vegan group had a significantly lower concentration of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, an important marker of inflammation.

Vegetarians and Gallbladder Disease

A couple of years ago (Vegetarian Journal Issue 4, 2017), we reported on a study from the UK that found vegetarians were at a moderately higher risk (~22%) of developing symptomatic gallbladder disease than were non-vegetarians. A recent study from Taiwan finds that vegetarian women, but not vegetarian men, are at a lower risk of symptomatic gallbladder disease compared to non-vegetarians.

To read the entire column, visit: https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2019issue3/2019_issue3_scientific_update.php

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