In an International Food Information Council 2023 Food and Health Survey, 8.2% of Americans ages 18 to 80 indicated that they followed a plant-based, vegetarian, or vegan diet. Of that group, motivations include:
To be healthier (60%)
I enjoy these types of foods more (47%)
To help the environment (36%)
To improve animal welfare (36%)
To save on the cost of food (24%)
Concerns about consuming animal protein (22%)
Because a diet/eating pattern was recommended to you. (17%)
Because your family/partner follows a specific diet (12%)
Because of a current allergy or health condition (12%)
For religious or cultural reasons (11%)
(Note: more than one reason could be selected.)

For 50% of all participants, it was very or somewhat important in making decisions to purchase food that the food was produced with animal welfare in mind, for 47% knowing whether the food is a bio engineered food or contains bioengineered ingredients, and for 40%  knowing that the food or beverage is produced in a way that minimizes its carbon footprint/climate impact.

For more information, see The International Food Information Council. 2023 Food & Health Survey. 23 May 2023: https://foodinsight.org/2023-food-and-health-survey/

The International Food Information Council says their research and education programs are supported by:

  • Food, beverage and agriculture companies that support IFIC’s mission
  • Contributions from other foundations and nonprofit organizations
  • Grants from government agencies

Their 8.2% who followed a plant-based, vegetarian, or vegan diet was somewhat comparable to VRG’s 6% who follow a vegetarian diet in previous VRG surveys. See:  https://www.vrg.org/nutshell/faq.htm#poll

Though note everyone in their group would not necessarily be vegetarian. So the reasons given may not reflect vegetarians and/or vegans. People can self-define vegetarian, vegan, and plant-based very differently. For example, see:

The contents of this posting, our website and our other publications, including Vegan Journal, are not intended to provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health professional. We often depend on product and ingredient information from company statements. It is impossible to be 100% sure about a statement, info can change, people have different views, and mistakes can be made. Please use your best judgment about whether a product is suitable for you. To be sure, do further research or confirmation on your own.

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