Note from the Vegetarian Resource Group Coordinators: Transparency

The latest Note from the Vegetarian Resource Group Coordinators in Vegan Journal starts off with: “A while ago, there was a story in The Washington Post about dietitians with massive social media followings advocating certain products and positions (such as eating more sugar), but not indicating they were being funded by the food industry. Or if their funder was named, it may still not be clear from the name that this was a group with a certain point of view.

The Vegetarian Resource Group is constantly receiving emails asking to pay us to do postings on our social media. This is different from ads when the reader or consumer is clear that it’s an ad. We do not take money for postings.”

To read the rest of this column, visit https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2024issue1/2024_issue1_note_coordinators.php

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