VRG’s Does Outreach at Rhode Island VegFest

Thank you to Heather Frances and Ashely Monti for staffing the VRG booth at the Rhode Island Veg Fest. Heather said they answered questions about how to transition to veganism and what kind of resources there are for new vegans. Lots of people who came by the booth were brought by vegans, but they themselves were not yet vegan. Heather reported, “We answered questions about how to get friends and family to be more open to eating vegan,” as well as “gave some recommendations on meals and how to talk to people. Some people were really interested in vegetarian nutrition for children, pregnant women, and teenagers.  People loved our Lowfat Jewish Vegetarian Cookbook with all vegan recipes.”

If you are attending the Santa Cruz VegFest in California or the New England VegFest in Worcester, Massachusetts, please visit The Vegetarian Resource Group booth.

To support The Vegetarian Resource Group outreach, join at https://www.vrg.org/member/2013sv.php
Or donate at www.vrg.org/donate

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