2018 Essay Contest Winner

Audrey Watson
Age 13

Total Plant-aholic
I used to eat meat all day, every day. My family served me meat, I gobbled it down in delight. But I've always cared about animals. I just didn't realize that I could go plant-based. Until sixth grade, that is.

I'm in seventh grade now, and I've only been a vegetarian for about a year, but I've learned more in that time period than I have in my entire life. I used to think about meat as a necessary part of my diet. I didn't like the alternatives to it. But one day, I woke up and thought "Today I'm going to make a change."

It may not seem like the greatest moment of truth, but it was mine. Some people witness horrific events or learn about some pretty awful stuff in school. Not me. But I had been building up to this moment for months now. I had a vegan friend who always nagged me about eating meat. I was subscribed to PETA emails and kept seeing the horrific stories popping up in my inbox. I felt bad for the animals every day, and I had yet to make a change until now.

But I did make the change. I was a complete carnivore, but I've now become a complete vegetarian. I'm not going to lie, it was hard. I was tempted every day. And the alternatives weren't pretty. But I learned to like tofu, beans, hummus, and all those great meatless options out there. I was truly becoming aware of the horrors happening in our world today, and I wanted to make a change.

Advocacy is hard for anyone, especially a 13-year-old like me. I learned and I grew, just like I did with my diet. Every part of me changed, and it was for the better. I feel like I'm finally making a difference in the world. I'm happy with my life and feel accomplished and proud.

Anyone can make the switch. I went from total meat eater to total plant-aholic. It won't be easy, but you'll be making a difference, and that's what matters.

The deadline for the next Vegetarian Resource Group Essay Contest for kids is May 20, 2019. For information about the contest and previous winners, see: www.vrg.org/essay/.