Letters to Editors

Thank You!

Thank you for being a continuous, long standing force for health and compassion.

Donna A., via e-mail

Thanks so much for the great recipes and the articles about what VRG is doing to promote healthy living around the world. I get sick to my stomach when I hear about the animal cruelty that's still going on, and I appreciate the hope and positiveness of your magazine. Thanks for lifting my spirits.

Diane S., via mail

Vegan Shopping During the Pandemic

You wrote about MisfitsMarket.com in a previous [Vegetarian Journal] issue, and I signed up. It's been a blessing to get organic produce down here in Florida!

Susan J., via VRG Blog

Vegan Food at Dollar Tree and 99 Cents Only Store

Just a little note about the last article on the last page [of Vegetarian Journal Issue 3 2020]: Vegan at Dollar Tree. I have both stores nearby and have found many vegan items at the 99 Cents Only Store. Unfortunately it should no longer be called 99 Cents Only since many of their items have gone up to $1.49 or $2.99. I have purchased lots of organic vegetables and fruits, some vegan frozen dinners, and a fairly wide selection of plant-based milks.

Elizabeth S., via e-mail

New Method for Detecting Egg White and Pig Gelatin in Aged Red Wine Developed

A new method for detecting egg white and pig gelatin in aged red wine has been developed and is described in the journal Food Chemistry (online first 7 December 2020, 128822): https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0308814620326844?via%3DihubS0308814620326844?via%3Dihub

Jay L., via VRG Blog

VRG 2020 Scholarship Winner

Wow, Thomas is doing a fabulous job of selling vegan options in his area (Texas)! I went to his website, where the food looks amazing. Welcome to the world of vegentrepreneurs! I have a feeling much bigger things are going to come from Thomas' efforts. I'll be keeping an eye out for him as the years go on.

Melanie J., via VRG Blog