Letters to Editors

Good to Offer Veggie Burgers at Fast Food Chains

I am David, a 15-year-old life-long vegetarian. I recently read about how Burger King is a U.S. fast food company selling a vegan meat substitute as one of their burgers. In my opinion, “the more the merrier.” It is frustrating to go out with friends and not be able to choose something substantial off of the menu. I believe that more major burger chains like Wendy's and McDonald's should offer vegan alternatives in the United States. In conclusion, if they brought out a fresh new item to the menu, it would be in the spotlight for a whole new group of customers to serve.

David B., via e-mail

Editor's Note: Several fast food restaurant chains have announced they will be adding Beyond products to their menu.

Thank You for Your Research on Food Ingredients

I was Googling for information on xanthan gum and came across your article on it, www.vrg.org/journal/vj2019issue1/2019_issue1_xanthan_gum.php, and I just wanted to thank you for the work you put into the research and for making it public. I found it useful and interesting. As a long-time vegan, clear, well-researched info is such a gift because there is a lot of nonsense out there on the web.

Fredricka C., via e-mail

Comparing the Experiences of Vegan High Schoolers in America

Thanks for the survey. One good thing about the lack of vegan school choices is that you will have some experience with preparing your own food. That's what my daughter-in-law had to do when she became vegetarian in high school.

Judy M., via VRG Blog

Editor's Note: See: www.vrg.org/blog/2021/02/03/comparing-the-experiences-of-vegan-high-schoolers-in-america

50 Ideas for Vegan Lunch Bags

It is fantastic to find resources for vegetarians [www.vrg.org/journal/vj2021issue1/2021_issue1_vegan_lunch-bags.php] especially at the international level and be able to share information.

Pascual M., via VRG Blog

Editor's Note: Writer is from Spain and member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.