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About the VRG Travel Bulletin Board

Welcome to the Travel Bulletin Board, a message board for vegetarian travel related information.

To view the Travel Bulletin Board, click here. You'll see a list of subjects followed by the entries, with the most recent being added at the top. Older entries will be removed after awhile to keep the size reasonable.

All times are in Greenwich Mean Time since this bulletin board can be viewed from anywhere in the world.

Since some browsers cache files, you may have to perform a "Reload" or "Refresh" on the bulletin board after adding an entry or to see new entries by other people. If "Reload" or "Refresh" doesn't pull up the updated file, you may have to configure your browser to verify files for changes on every access rather than once per session. With Netscape you go to the Network Preferences and select Cache options. Then click the "Every Time" box.

To add an entry, choose "Add a message" from the Travel Bulletin Board or click here. You'll be presented with a form to enter your message.

You can use these HTML tags in your Subject or Message fields:

<B>Bold</B> , <I>Italics</I>, and <U> Underline</U>. Please note that you must include both the tag to start a formatting item and a tag to indicate when the format ends. You may not embed a bold within a bold tag, but you may embed bold within italics (for instance).

The message field may include also include a <BR> tag for a line break, a <P> tag for a paragraph break,
a <A HREF=""> tag</A> for a hyperlink, or a <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]"> tag</A> for an email address. For a complete HTML reference see the Netscape HTML Reference Guide

The subject field is limited to 100 characters, and the message length is limited to 3000 characters.

Brad Scott
[email protected]

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F.A.Q. | Subscribe to Journal | Game | Vegetarian Family | Nutshell | VRG-News
Recipes | Travel | What's New | Bulletin Board | Veg Kids | Search | Links

The Vegetarian Resource Group Logo � 1996- The Vegetarian Resource Group
PO Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203
(410) 366-8343   Email: [email protected]

Last Updated
August 31, 2000

Graphic design by Leeking Ink

The contents of this web site, as with all The Vegetarian Resource Group publications, is not intended to provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health professional.

Any pages on this site may be reproduced for non-commercial use if left intact and with credit given to The Vegetarian Resource Group.

Web site questions or comments? Please email [email protected].