Notes from The VRG Scientific Department

Vegan Education

The Vegetarian Resource Group did an in-service for 10 University of Maryland dietetic students. They already have their undergrad nutrition degrees, but are doing their one-year training towards becoming registered dietitians. Thank you to:

  • Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, who shared evidence-based information about raising vegan children.
  • Whitney McVerry, a former VRG intern and VRG's Volunteer Coordinator, who now has twin vegan toddlers, for presenting practical tips about vegan foods for kids.
  • Odette Olivares, MS, a former VRG intern, gave out information on traditional vegan Latino foods that are good sources of calcium (See:
  • Chen Zeng, a VRG volunteer graduating with a food technology degree from Cornell, gave out info on vegan Asian dishes.
  • Ruby Sturm, VRG Intern, shared her knowledge on vegan foods in Germany.
  • Nadely Requena, VRG Intern, spoke about her experiences of eating vegetarian in parts of Texas.

Jeanne Yacoubou contacted companies to find out if magnesium stearate (sometimes used in pharmaceuticals) is animal derived. See: